Monday, September 16, 2013

The call...

"Rebuild my church".  A universal call for each of us to do our part.  In Assisi at San Damiano or inside the Basilica of Saint Maria Delgli Angeli,  you see what Francis took literally (rebuilding small churches that had fallen into ruins) before rebuilding Gods church through people.  The real church that laid in ruins, was the faith of the people.  People that were spiritually craving God, even if they did not know it.  Today we also suffer from a Church in ruins- so many people lost and looking but usually looking in all the wrong places for that joy that only God can bring.  This is where we each must do our part to rebuild God's church.  Fitting that this is what speaks to me in Assisi, but I do not think this has ever left my heart, once it was planted there a while back.

So, How is The Lord calling you to rebuild His church?  A basic sermon on stewardship would come into play here... through your talent, time, and treasure.  True love does not have a formula, we love with everything we have.  So although a tithe is ten percent, that does not mean we only give ten percent of ourselves to God.  Once again, true love has no formula.  Would a marriage be consider a good marriage in the eyes of the world if the husband and wife only gave each other ten percent?  Would you consider a parent a good parent if they only gave ten percent of themselves to their children?  No, it is out of love that we want to do more for those we love.  For the people we love, we will go to extremes at any hour of the day or night.  No cost is too much for those we love.  Is this how we feel about God?  Once Francis understood true love, he gave everything he had to God.  What am I giving to God?

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