Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heading off again....

The trip has begun!  I really do not know why to expect from this pilgrimage.  My last pilgrimage, which I went on this time last Fall provided so much more then I could ever imagine and the graces given to me by God were abundant on that trip.  Then after that trip, I returned seeking to keep God the center and not get distracted by people and things. The past ten months went by fast between spending time with family (including the birth of my youngest nephew, Benjamin), volunteering with youth ministry, writing the book, giving lectures, and visiting religious communities.   This summer when I clearly heard Gods call to religious life, it made me more conscious and aware of my time.  Unfortunately, like many I had often taken my time for granted.  

So I left this morning from my sisters house in Richmond and flew to JFK, where I have a 13-hour layover before flying on to Nice.  I originally thought the layover would allow me to finish the Confessions of Augustine (today as I began praying the office I realize the church honors St. Monica - Augustine's mom, how appropriate).  So as I thought about my time in New York, I wonder what I would want to do.  I have been to New York a number of times and have seen all the sites.  I do enjoy the theater and so I looked at the Broadway shows and thought that none stood out that I had not already seen on Broadway. I thought of the different restaurants and other then some pizza and possibly a cannoli from Little Italy, once again... Nothing really stood out.  The only thing that seemed to attract me, was going to Mass.  On every trip to New York, I have traveled the city (and on most trips acted as tour guide for my students) and we would go to the Cathedral of St. Patrick but I never had attended a Mass in it.  Now days, I try my best to attend daily mass as it is the best part of my day as well as helps me to be a better person.   So Mass at theCathedral is what I came for.  The Cathedral is under major renovation and like many tourist sites people are coming all around, but at the back of the church where the tabernacle sits, it is very quite.  There I got to pray and talk to God before Mass.  

That's where the question of what am I expecting from this trip came up.  My answer, is simply to let God show me whatever He wants to show me and for me to learn whatever He wants to teach me.  God is a far better planner, then I ever was or will be as well as He is a far better tour guide, so I am just going to trust and go.  If he changes my route, there is a reason for it and I may never see the reason or result like the rosary to the Dutchman but I know He has it under control.

God has already been kind but having me talk with two men after Mass that work at the Cathedral and they were kind enough to let me go down in the crypt where the Bishops of New York lay at rest, including Fulton Sheen (as an adult I always liked to hear my grandmother speak of him and his gentleness).  God is good!  

Once again, remember the blog rules... I do not re-read and so if grammar mistakes drive you crazy, this might not be the blog for you.  


  1. I am in awe of you Ms. Brown. I will keep you inmy prayers as you continue your journey. I am sure God will be leading you to marvelous places and even more marvelous people! God Bless you sweet lady!!!

  2. Hi Kim! So happy for you! Last time I was in New York, I went to Mass at St Agnes, it's just a block or so from Grand Central, at about 43rd st and 3rd (I think). It's south of St Patricks, I know. This beautiful church was where Fulton Sheen was pastor twice! It's (of course) smaller than St Patricks but still really beautiful. You might enjoy Mass there, too.

    I've been praying Lauds and Night prayer, and plan to add Evening prayer when I become more recollected, I know that will come with time and patience. Today, after a whole year, I finally figured out that the Collect at Mass (on someone's feast day) is almost the same as the Lauds closing prayer! And I figured it out on the Feast day of St Augustine! I hope you were able to finish his Confessions, I brought it out just the other day. I tried reading it years ago but probably wasn't ready for it.

    My prayers are with you. Peace.
